Sunday, October 2, 2011

Reflection on St. Mary's Day 1

Going to St. Mary's Elementary School for the first time was an absolute blast. I walked into the building not knowing what to expect and what I got was great. The kids just had so much energy to give. Even if I was tired and didn't want to be there, those kids would have changed my attitude within minutes with all of their spunk and liveliness. The groups were split up and I was pared with the 1st and 2nd grade students. We stayed in the gymnasium and played different games with them. I ended up walking around the entire gym standing on two buckets attached to strings. I honestly do not know how they didn't collapse under my feet. Then we all went outside and the amount of tag that we played with the students was more than I have played in the past 10 years combined. I was sweating and out of breathe but every moment was worth it to keep a smile on all those students face. Having them see all of us college students running around and laughing gave them even more of a reason to be young and fun. I can not wait to go back for another adventure.

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