Sunday, December 11, 2011

Last Day at St. Mary's

Today was an sad day as we all new it was our last time there at St. Mary's. Im not sure if the students new it was our last day because they did not act any differently nor did I want them to. I wanted a fantastic day and thats exactly what I got. We were back with the oldest group because thats who we were with on the first day. Outside we went and the games of tag took off. It was cold out and I had no jacked, but somehow I was still sweating like I was in the 4th quarter of a football game in August. These kids are extremely witty, they will team together and set you up for a trap to get tagged. I can not count how many times I was out smarted. After loosing about 6 pounds of water weight, we went back into the warm gym to start some games. One of my group members kicked everything off with his game and the students liked it. Then it was time for my game that I wanted to test out for the first time. It was the same rules as soccer, no hands, except instead of using a soccer ball we used a football, a soft one of course. Also when the ball went out of bounds, the students had to throw the ball back in like a quarter back instead of the traditional over-head soccer throw. They started out really energetic but after a little while I spiced it up and moved the goals closer to the center of the court. This gave them to go behind the net and score goals from different angles because to score a goal, the ball just had to hit the goal itself, not enter the net. Then to throw more wrenches into the mix, another college student and I began moving the nets around the court. This really got the kids going because they had to move faster seeing as the net coould be moving away from them. The day was coming to an end and more kids were getting picked up. We got to the closing song/dance and then it was time to say our good-byes. My experience here absolutely helped me grow as an educator. I got the chance to work with different age groups and personalities and i'm glad I did because I now have more knowledge of how to handle the situations they throw at you. I would like to thank the staff of St. Mary's for allowing us to grow within your walls. Also a big thanks to the students who let us influence their lives and more importantly, touched our lives. Maybe one day some of you will stumble upon one of our blogs and see the happyness you have brought us.

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